Welcome to the new iteration of my website.
Come on in, take a look around, try the whiskey, shoot the bullets. I hope you enjoy it.
Chad Brokaw, my IT wiz, has designed all my website and while I loved the last one, we both thought it was time for a spruce up, a new look.
All the standard stuff is here, including ways to order books. And if you’d prefer a personalized book, a signature or salutation for friends or family or even the convicts in your life, just drop me a line and I’ll get it taken care of.
Sign up for the newsletter! Odds and ends, bits and pieces, chapters, short stories, bad love poetry, who knows what all you’ll find in that thing. Probably won’t get an issue more than eight…maybe ten…times a month.
Hahahaaa…seriously, probably not more than eight…maybe ten…times a month.
I could go on all night with these funny, funny jokes.
I can’t see the electronic newsletter darkening your electronic doorstep more than a few times a year so don’t sweat that. And I’ll only sell your email address if I can make good bank on it. Or get a laugh. Barring that, it’ll probably remain private.
Also, Chad dragged me kicking and screaming over to Twitter so follow me there for flash sales and special offers not available anywhere else.
Lastly, one of the coolest things about the new website is I can post my photography. While I’m not brilliant at it, I do have fun and so from time to time, you’ll probably see some pix.
Feel free to drop me a line about anything at all.
Enjoy! And thanks for all your support all these many years.