You know, I grew up in Texas and thought I had a pretty good handle on political corruption. I mean, it was Texas, after all. It’s all bigger and better and badder in Texas.
Sadly, this morning, Texas is an also ran when it comes to political corruption. As baffled as I am that Americans would elect Shrub twice, I’m just as baffled that Illinosians would elect Rod Blagojevich governor twice.
This morning, the man was arrested – along with his chief of staff – for allegations of corruption so staggering it makes me want to fucking vomit.
Allegedly, this blow-dried piece of dog shit managed to get an $8,000,000 funding grant for Children’s Hospital in Chicago. He then told the hospital CEO that the CEO needed to cough up a campaign donation of $50,000 to insure the delivery of the eight mil. When the donation didn’t come, Rod is on tape – fucking on tape – asking how he could legally walk the 8 mil back.
Give me my dough or I’m cutting off the kids? I mean, I hate kids but come on, are you kidding me?
And, oh yeah, he was selling President-Elect Obama’s senate seat. Again, on tape asking people for money…allegedly.
Also thought about appointing himself, the U.S. Attorney alleged, so he’d have access to more money for when he got indicted.
And the biggest jaw-dropping moment? Blagojevich has been under investigation for years and beginning about 8 weeks ago, he started pushing harder. Why would someone who’s already being looked at try and drag in even more money? Because there is a new ethics bill in Illinois that takes effect January 1 that bars certain kinds of donations.
“Better get our share, boys, before them damn do-gooders fuck up our machine with their damn ethics bills and Pollyanna attitude.”
Now the question is: how hard are the right-wing whackos, the same ones who fervently believe Obama’s birth certificate is faked, going to try and tie President- Elect Obama to this nightmare?
Some days, I just want to buy an island in the tropics somewhere and hook my computer up to a generator. Then I could sit back, drink Mai Tais, and write all day long.