So…here’s something…I guess.
My new book is here.
The Cancer Chronicles brings together every single cancerous blog post that ever there was into a single book.
It’s all here: the whining, the crying, the teeth-gnashing. The anger, the depression, the inability to eat for days at a time.
But wait, there’s more: the shots and throwing up, the stumbling through the streets, the sleeping 31 hours out of every 24.
But wait, there’s still more: the coffin salesman, the treatment room where everyone wore too much make-up, the five nude nurses!
My biological father’s death.
And, as a value-added bonus: a piece I wrote after and about my heart attack originally published in Cemetery Dance.
Wow, that’s a helluva an advertisement, isn’t it? Depression, anger, rage, cancer, AND heart attacks, and all for only $14.95.
Seriously, there is some humor in it…I think it’s funny anyway…so it won’t send you screaming into your kitchen looking for a cleaver with which to cleave me.
Somewhere on this website, there is a buy button. Press that button (hehehehe…eight or ten times preferably) and the book will be on its way to you.
Actually, it’s a beautiful book. Chad Brokaw, of Brokaw Imagination, designed a cover that has exactly the kind of shocking, slightly-too-raw feel I dig. My wife, LuAnn Salz, did the interior design and I’m lucky they were in on it. They kept it from looking like something published in a basement on a mimeograph machine.
For those of you who’ve been asking for this, thanks for pushing me to get off my lazy butt and get it done. I hope it is what you expect.
And – obviously – I hope you buy lots and lots of copies for all your friends. Maybe you know someone who’s fighting cancer right now and maybe this will make them laugh hard enough to spit chemo outta their nose.
That’d be cool.
Stay tuned because throughout the year, I’ll have a pile of signings and readings scheduled. Hopefully, we can get some cancer patients there and make them laugh hard enough to do that whole chemo/nose thing.