One down…eleven to go.
This was such a stupid idea. At this rate, I won’t be finished until well into President Obama’s second term.
See, what I done is…I started a Master’s Program. Why? Who the hell knows. Sounded like a good idea at the time? Uh…thought it might make me more attractive to my wife (“Hey, you hunka-hunka burning intellect, what’s the square root of pi cubed?”) Don’t want to paint my office walls so I thought I’d use the paper of a degree.
Pick your reason.
The main question friends have asked is: will this get you a promotion or a raise?
Fuck no.
Come on, I work for a small county. I’ll get a pat on the head and they’ll move on to new business. Most of the county board of supervisors care not a single whit for education and my Sheriff’s Office is too small to move up the chain. It’s not like we have a forensics lab or a fugitive warrant section or an air division or homicide squad or whatever. We have radio, we have jail, we have road, we have investigations. That’s pretty much it.
So I did this for myself. Because I dig education and I believe everyone ought to learn as much as they can, that they ought to keep improving themselves.
It’s a twelve course program, done on-line at Aspen University. I’m doing it with Officer Friendly (the inimitable Ben Atkinson) and we just finished our first course, Criminal Law.
It was pretty cool, actually. There were eight modules and for each one, there were five questions that had to be answered. School rules said answer them in 200-300 words each.
Hah. When was the last time I wrote 200-300 friggin’ words? My theory has always been never use ten words where a hundred will suffice.
My first batch of essay answers ran about 12 pages. My second to last batch ran about 25 pages.
Hehehehehehe…200 words. Whatever. Kiss my Texas behind.
The instructor never sent Vito the Chopper to the front door with a note scribbled in blood, “Too much, boy,” so I didn’t worry about it.
Along the way, I realized that I believe American society is overcriminalized and that there actually are massive double standards in what we criminalize versus what we done and that there are victimless crimes (at least by the double standard of what is ‘moral’ and what isn’t.)
So I guess the class was a good one, ’cause it taught me stuff real good.
Next up, Criminal Procedure. I’ll do that one in August. Had to take some time off because I was burning myself at both ends (supply your own joke to that one).
Plus, the time off will give me a chance to get started on the second book in my new series. I finished the first one back in February and sent it up the food chain (first readers, agents, editors, publishers, etc). Still waiting for word to come back down the food chain.
So the next book is percolating and I’ll probably start writing next week. Then I’ll head to Mayhem in the Midlands in Omaha, drink beer and dismiss young writers with that pompous and sanctimonious tone I do so well.
Oh, yeah, I got a new job. I’m working part time in one of our small towns. Spent most of my first night in the rain, talking to a drunk and looking for the wallet he stole.
Good times, baby, good times.