From an AP story April 3,
“PITTSBURGH – A gunman wearing a bulletproof vest and ‘lying in wait’ opened fire on officers responding to a domestic disturbance call Saturday, killing three of them and turning a quiet Pittsburgh street into a battlefield, police said.
Police Chief Nate Harper said the motive for the shooting isn’t clear, but friends said the gunman recently had been upset about losing his job and feared the Obama administration was poised to ban guns.”
So naturally, the only logical course of action, if you think the government is going to take your guns, is to shoot three cops. I mean, there is absolutely nothing else you can do, right?
What makes me nutty about the far-right lunatic fringe and their current hysteria about President Obama snatching up guns is that he’s said he doesn’t want to. And even if he said he wanted to, he’d have to fight it through Congress. And even if he said he wanted to, and he fought it through Congress, there’s that little pesky bit of parchment: the United States Constitution.
But according to the whackos, President Obama is going to wave a magic wand and suddenly all the guns are going to be outlawed.
This asshole in Pittsburgh is exactly what happens when that kind of foaming-at-the-mouth rhetoric is given airing in mainstream media. Once upon a time, stuff like that was the province of sheet-wearers, of Tri-Lateral Commission conspiracists, of those who were suspicious of fluoride in the water.
Does this tinfoil hat make my ass look big?
There is a person I know who, in the days after the election, walked around with his head hung low, telling anyone who was stupid enough to listen that the world for his children was over and they were as good as dead.
“Hey, Daddy, what’d you do at work today?”
“It doesn’t matter, junior, because tomorrow or next week or next month, you’ll be dead.”
These days we have Rush Limbaugh and Michelle Bachman and what else do we need? Bachman, especially, a member of the U.S. House and calling herself a ‘foreign correspondent behind enemy lines in Washington,’ and telling her voters she wanted them ‘armed and dangerous’ when it came to the ‘revolution,’ needs to take a long think about what she’s saying.
Maybe she should go to the Pittsburgh police funerals, just to see the effect of what she babbles.
It’ll never happen, she’s too busy on the Sunday morning news shows, being given airtime by the same media of which I was once a member. It embarrasses me. What was once a dignified and respected branch of our self-governance is now a naked and slathering chase for ratings.
I’m not saying we should censor what the nuts say. Part of a healthy democracy is nuts wiping foam from their lips. Plus, sometimes the nuts are fun to watch. What I’m saying is if you’re going to use your freedom of speech, you need to have some responsibility about it. If you’re going to call for armed rebellion (which, last time I checked, was actually treason), then you need to accept responsibility when one of you shoots and kills three public servants.
But in this country, in this particular time, personal responsibility, aside from being a hollow right-wing mantra, is nothing more than a pipe dream.
Meanwhile, three cops are dead because…because…my gosh…they’re going to take my guns!